10 Must Know Car Repair Tips And Tricks

If you are a car owner then at some point or time you may have to become somewhat of a DIY expert.

Why is that? Read on and you’ll know exactly why!

Cars are complex mechanical beasts which serve to make our lives considerably easier and convenient. Chances are your car is probably used for at least 6 days of the week and therefore it experiences regular wear and tear.

It is no wonder that all cars need regular maintenance, repair and fine-tuning work in order to ensure they remain functioning at peak capacity.

If you are thinking of taking your car to the mechanic every time you experience a minor problem, you will soon notice a hole in your bank account. Cars regularly present small problems and annoyances which need fixing, but many of these issues you can tackle yourself.

If you purchased your car from an authorized dealer you may have coverage for minor issues, but even then, the hassle of taking your car may be too much of a hassle sometimes.

Here are some 10 repair tricks which you should familiarize yourself with as a car owner. They will save you not only save you money, but in some cases, time.

1. Changing the oil

Engine oil is needed for proper engine lubrication which directly impacts its lubrication. Lubrication affects the wear, tear and stress the engine goes through which all affect its life. Your engine will live for longer if it has consistent oil changes.

While the thought of changing this thick black fluid may seem challenging, in reality in most cases it’s actually quite an easy process. A few tools, a replacement filter, a pan to catch the waste oil, and about 30 minutes is all it takes. It will depend on the specific car, but you’re likely to find instructions in many locations where you can watch and judge if this is a task you can take on.

2. Tire Change

Whether you own an Audi R8 or a minivan, at some point you will experience a flat tire. Tires have a limited life which can be shortened if they are put under considerable stress.

Understanding how to patch or plug a hole in the tire can save you time and money.  Learning the steps needed to swap a flat tire with the replacement spare, usually found in the trunk, is crucial since you never know when you may need to change your tire.

3. Spark Plug Change

This is one of the simpler tasks in DIY car repair. It consists of locating the spark plug in your car, removing the connecting wire, replacing it with a working one, and connecting the wire again.

A spark plug is necessary for your car since it ignites the fuel and oxygen mixture that powers your vehicle. They need to be replaced every so often and should be considered a regular part of your car’s tune up.

4. Removing Scratches

The bane of car owners everywhere are scratches, particularly those caused by careless motorists. They are off-putting and can ruin the otherwise pristine appearance of your car’s body.

Scratches are a common problem for car owners everywhere. The good news is you don’t have to spend thousands of dollars to fix them. Removing them is a simple process which can be learned online.

5. Car Battery Change

Car batteries can die suddenly and unexpectedly. To avoid being stranded, it is best to be prepared beforehand.

Calling a tow service is usually the best option, but if you are in the middle of nowhere, it might take hours for help to arrive. Having and knowing how to use jumper cables is one option to get you out of this kind of situation. You would still need a helpful stranger to allow you to do the jump – but this can get you back on the road quickly. Another option would be to keep a charged car jumper device in your trunk, especially if you suspect your battery is running low. This method provides the jump to start your car, without the need for a second vehicle.

When it comes time to replace your battery, you have the option to save yourself money by doing the swap yourself. It is an involved but simple task consisting of removing the connecting cables, taking the battery out, putting the new battery in and reconnecting cables. One thing to note is that many battery sales include the option to exchange your old battery for a discount, or ‘refund’ (sometimes called a core exchange). Once you remove your old battery, you can return it to the place you’re purchased the new one and receive money back! They recycle the dead battery, helping to save the environment.

6. Headlight or Tail Light Change

Light bulb changes are one of the simplest DIY tasks which can be completed by even rank amateurs.

It may look daunting, but it really only involves unscrewing the headlight or taillight and replacing the inner bulb. Screw back on and voila, no more dimming light problems. This is particularly true on older automobiles. Be aware that many newer automobiles have been built in such a way that some bulb replacements may require specialized tools. Be sure to read your vehicles owner’s manual to see what’s possible in your particular vehicle!

7. Wiper Replacement

Wipers are crucial tools for any car although they are often overlooked until you need them. They can save your life in rainy weather or snowfall. Worn down wipers on the other hand can damage your tips for reducing the windshield replacement cost so you should periodically replace them, which is a simple enough task. Instructions are found in your vehicles owner’s manual, or often right on the back of the replacement wiper package.

8. Air Filter Replacement

One of the more crucial yet understated parts of your car is the engine air filter. It is responsible for ensuring that dust and contaminants don’t invade your car’s engine. It is also necessary for the engine to function smoothly. Choked and dirty air filters will reduce your engines fuel efficiency and may give it a rough sound.

Replacing your engine air filter is often done with few if any tools (please check your vehicles owner’s manual). You simply remove the cover to the filter, pull out the old, dirty filter, replace it with the new filter, and re-attach the cover.

9. Jumpstarting

Learning how to jumpstart your car can be a lifesaver when you are stuck in the middle of nowhere and luckily some car comes along. We briefly discussed this in the battery replacement section above.

It is a simple enough process which really only requires you to know how to correctly connect the cables to another car. It can be the difference between happily starting your car and going on your way, or having to call a costly towing service.

Read your owner’s manual for complete instructions and safety precautions, but in general you hook them up in a specific order: red (+) post of the dead battery, red (+) post of the good battery, black (-) post of the good battery, and finally connect the last, black-end clamp to some large metallic part of the dead battery vehicle, but NOT on the (-) battery post (due to sparks and battery gasses). Start the good battery car and allow it to idle for a few minutes. Start the dead battery car.  Disconnect the cables in the reverse order.

10. Minor Dents

Dents might seem daunting and expensive fixes but minor ones can be easily fixed. How so? With some dry ice or frozen carbon dioxide.

Many a YouTube video will tell you that simply take a piece of dry ice and rub it over the dent. This will fix the dent by returning the metal to its proper shape and save you in body shop costs.


These are some of the most essential DIY repair jobs you should practice and learn to do. They can be learned online or if you are buying your car from Lexus dealership service then they will gladly walk you through them.

A car is a significant investment so you should be responsible in keeping care of it.

Author Bio:

Shannon Garofalo is a Web Director at Lexus of Naperville, known for Lexus dealership service, and has been working with the Dan Wolf Auto Group for last 8 years. Writing for cars is her passion, while she loves to ride her new Lexus nx when not at work.