5 Signs That Indicate You Need A Car Battery Replacement Right Away

A typical car battery can last from five to seven years. The battery can even last longer if it is always fully charged and you drive the vehicle daily.
Consequently, if you leave your car parked for extended periods, you can expect the battery to deteriorate faster. It will also lose its capacity or ability to hold a charge over time. When this happens, you will have difficulty starting your car after a period of ‘dormancy.’
Unfortunately, a dying or failing battery will not only give you problems when you are starting your car as you leave your driveway. It can suddenly stall while you are on the road, leaving you stranded for hours in an unfamiliar place.
Ths is a situation that you never want to find yourself in. Getting stranded with a dead battery in the middle of nowhere is not only inconvenient, but it can also be terrifying.
Knowing the usual signs that your car battery is about to die will allow you to take the right preemptive measures to avoid being stranded while on the road. This preventive solution comes in the form of getting a car battery replacement in Dubai.
Below are five signs you should heed that indicate you need to replace your car battery immediately:
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1. The Engine Is Cranking Slower Than Usual
A slow engine crank is one of the most common, noticeable signs of your need to replace your car battery.
If it is taking you longer to start the engine and you hear a long whirring sound before you get it running, this means your car has a slow engine crank. It is a sure sign that your battery is in bad shape even if you have just recently bought it.
A related, more serious symptom of a failing battery is when your engine cranks when you turn the key but the car still won’t start. Jumpstarting your car may solve this issue. However, it may work only once or twice and, as such, it is only a temporary fix.
If you keep having problems starting your car, it is best to bring it to your mechanic and have your battery replaced.
2. The Car Won’t Start After Sitting Overnight.
A car that won’t start in the morning can be due to various factors. These include a wiring issue, leaving a light on overnight, and freezing temperatures.
However, in case you have an old car, and it doesn’t start in the morning regardless of the weather condition, it is a sign that your battery is already failing.
In case your battery is only weak, recharging it will help you minimize this problem. But if your car still won’t start even if the battery is fully charged, replacing it is the only remedy.
3. The Headlights Are Dim.
Braking and failing to wash your car can sometimes cause your lights to appear fainter or blurrier at night. However, if they seem to be darker than usual even if you are not braking and your vehicle is clean, consider having your battery checked immediately.
Headlights can become dimmer if they are not getting the power they need for optimum brightness. In case the battery charge is already too low and can’t be revived, replacing it is your only option.
Additionally, a failing battery will cause your dashboard lights to become dimmer. Some of the other systems such as the AC and radio won’t turn on as well.
4. There Is Frequent Backfiring.
Although backfiring is not an automotive issue typically related to a dying battery, it can be one of its most distressing signs.
If your battery is already failing, it can cause intermittent sparks. These erratic sparks can cause fuel to accumulate in the cylinders. Once the fuel buildup is ignited and with greater force than usual, your car will backfire.
To ascertain if a malfunctioning battery is the primary cause of frequent backfiring, bring your car to a mechanic first.
5. The Battery Case Is Bloated Or Cracked.
Lastly, sudden, extreme changes in temperature can cause a car battery to be deformed. It can swell and start having cracks.
The change in the battery shape will impact the lifespan of this automotive part. It will cause it to malfunction as well.
In case the battery case is already deformed, have this part replaced as soon as possible.
Bringing your car to a trusted auto service center in Dubai for regular checks is also a great preemptive measure that will ensure your battery will give you years of excellent service. It will also provide you with peace of mind that you have a safe, fully functional car all the time.
Luigi Rubinacci is the Director of Strategic Ventures at AW Rostamani Automotive Group. AUTOTRUST Multibrand Car Service and Accident Repair is the Group’s strategic division that deals with the accident repair and service of all brands and makes of cars. Its service centers currently operate from Dubai, Sharjah and Abu Dhabi.