What is Data Breach?

When you are connected to the internet, you are on the verge of being breached or hacked. Most people might think that problem is from the service provider’s end. Whether you are using HughesNet internet or cable internet like Spectrum, the problem can be resolved when you are not getting enough speed. But data breaches can’t be avoided unless you take appropriate measures.

Data breaches are real and the best practice to protect yourself is to prevent them. To prevent your operations from data breaches, make sure to understand them. This guide shares the complete understanding of data breaches and discusses ways through which you can prevent them.

What is meant by a data breach?

A data breach is a deliberate or unintended release of confidential, protected, or secure information to an unauthorized environment. The files shared as a result of a data breach can be viewed and reshared without taking any permission from the authorities.

Everyone, whether a business or an individual, is at equal risk when it comes to data breaches. Most data breaches occur because of a fault in user behavior or technology.

The causes of a data breach are discussed in detail here:

Unintended access

This means that an employee might use a colleague’s PC and read confidential files without authorization. This type of data breach might be unintended and might not pose a great threat. Nonetheless, since an unauthorized person accessed a file, it is considered a data breach.

Insider leak

This means that an employee or a person without authorization accesses some information and/or shares it in order to deliberately harm the company or the individual.  The insider might also have authorization to such confidential content; however, intending to use it in malicious ways makes it a data breach.

Stolen or lost devices

An unlocked or unencrypted device containing confidential data is stolen or lost.

Outside hackers

Cybercriminals might use attach vectors to collect data from an individual or a network.

Prevention of a data breach

Data breaches, like other crimes, can be prevented. The first step is to always connect to a high-graded and secure internet provider like Spectrum, Optimum, or Xfinity, etc. While many might find these ISPs expensive, an easy way to lower the costs is to combine services. For example, if you use a phone and cable in addition to the internet, Spectrum bundle deals would let you save more than 50 dollars rather than spending on all three services separately. This way, you can save money and save your network from illegal penetration.

With this being the first step, there are many more ways to consider to prevent data breaches, some of which are here:

Always keep your software updated. You need to understand that technology always comes with loopholes, and so the manufacturers are continuously working to secure your devices. For this reason, most updates include security patches that you should install as soon as they become available.

  • Encrypt your confidential data and information using two-factor authentication.
  • If the product manufacturer stops software support, make sure to upgrade your device.
  • Make sure that all your devices use a VPN and a security suite. If you cannot afford a security suite, install an antivirus program at the very least.
  • Ensure that all your passwords are unique and tough to guess. You can use password management software for this purpose.
  • Educate your family members and/or employees about the impact of data breaches and the best practices to prevent them.
  • Set up data backups and recovery units to be prepared.
  • If you are set to sell your device, make sure that all the data and information over it has been destroyed and cannot be restored in any way.
  • If things seem to get out of control, do not shy away from hiring a professional. A security expert can very well make sure that your business avoids data breaches.

Role of a secure Internet connection

A lot of your online activity depends on the kind of internet connection that you have. For instance, if you don’t have an internet connection that is secure, you can always lose your important data or your devices can get attacked very easily while you are browsing online. On the other hand, if you have a secure and well-reputed internet connection, the chances of potential data breaches will reduce because a good internet connection comes with high-end customer support that caters to your issues right away. Hence, investing in a good internet connection is a must for a secure browsing experience.

Summing Up

When it comes to data breaches, you can follow the aforementioned tips to avoid any such incidents. Make sure to encrypt all your devices and update your password after a month or two. But don’t compromise on your privacy and security when you are connected.