What To Do When You Are Stranded On A Road In The Uae?

Before we answer the question, let’s focus on why you might be stranded in the first place. There are several reasons actually and we are assuming that you were driving around in your vehicle when you became stranded. The top reasons include:

Flat Tire

Driving around exposes the tires to debris on the road which can cause a flat tire. Well, it is not just debris which you have to worry about. An overloaded car, improperly inflated tires, or a worn-out tread are also responsible for flat tires. Regardless of the reason, the most common reason to get stranded is a flat tire. You might think that it is no big deal. But it is because not everyone knows how to change a tire or keep a spare tire in the back.

Engine Problem

Whether it’s a brand-new car or an old one, engine problems are quite common. The topmost reason behind engine problems is improper car maintenance. Just like any other machine, a vehicle also requires maintenance. Without it, you will experience not just engine related problems but a lot more. If there’s an engine problem, your vehicle might begin to stall and abruptly come to a halt. It might also overheat.

Transmission Breakdown

Whether it’s an automatic or manual transmission, there is always a slight chance that the transmission may malfunction. We are not trying to scare you. There will always be signs that the transmission is not working properly. They key is to keep an eye for these warning signs and have them rectified well before. Otherwise, you might be stranded.


In case you are in involved in an accident, the vehicle may become un-drivable. It might be too damaged that it’s no longer fit to be drive. There might an engine or transmission fluid leak. The tires could have also burst from the impact. It is always a good idea to have car insurance in dubai.

Dead Battery

Perhaps the second most common reason for being stranded is a dead battery. There are various reasons behind a dead battery including the fact that it might have completed its life. Batteries are not meant to last forever. Similarly, the alternator belt might be supplying the required current to it. Many people turn on the stereo and fan, even when the car itself is off. This puts unnecessary strain on the battery and causes it to deplete quickly.

What To Do When You Are Stranded In The Uae?

Getting back to our topic, it’s time to answer the million-dollar question. Well, the first thing you must do is not panic. Secondly, call your friends or family and tell them about the situation. Do not keep them worried. The third thing to do is call a vehicle recovery service like PitStopArabia. The reason I mentioned PitStopArabia is that they have a large fleet of recovery vehicles and they offer Car Towing services Dubai and throughout the UAE. Even if you are stranded in the desert, PitStopArabia has you covered. Lastly, just sit back and relax. Wait for the recovery vehicle to arrive.